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What’s the Difference Between Zirconium and Porcelain Crowns?

What’s the Difference Between Zirconium and Porcelain Crowns?

Dental crowns are caps that cover a tooth or a dental implant. Dentists often recommend crowns as a way to support broken, weak, or misshapen teeth. Dental crowns can also be used to cover up a tooth that’s very worn down or severely discolored. They can also be used in conjunction with bridges to strengthen...

June 3, 2021June 3, 2021In Dental
Advantages of Choosing Zirconia Crowns

Advantages of Choosing Zirconia Crowns

Zirconia crowns are highly biocompatible, as the smooth surface helps to reduce plaque accumulation. Layered zirconia crowns are extremely durable. Even though the porcelain used for layering does not have the strength of solid zirconia, they are designed to bond with the zirconium substructure, making chipping or fracturing extremely rare. The material also promotes a...

May 30, 2021May 30, 2021In Dental
How do Crowns Work?

How do Crowns Work?

A crown is used to entirely cover or “cap” a damaged tooth. Besides strengthening a damaged tooth, a crown can be used to improve its appearance, shape or alignment. A crown can also be placed on top of an implant to provide a tooth-like shape and structure for function. Porcelain or ceramic crowns can be...

March 15, 2020March 15, 2020In Dental
What is a Zirconia Crown?

What is a Zirconia Crown?

Cosmetic dentistry is a successful field, because who doesn’t want a beautiful smile? When patients require a cap of their tooth, zirconia crowns are one option a dentist may recommend. Read on to learn more about zirconia, how it compares to a porcelain crown, and the advantages and disadvantages. If you do opt for this...

March 10, 2020March 10, 2020In Dental
Types of Dental Crowns

Types of Dental Crowns

Depending on the condition of your mouth at any one time, your dentist performs several different types of procedures. Although teeth cleanings, cavity fillings and bondings comprise some of the routine sessions, more involved procedures are now common and easy to complete. In addition to root canals and wisdom tooth extractions, dental crowns are often...

March 9, 2020March 9, 2020In Dental